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The present volume, Comparatism, identitate, comunicare Comparativism, identity, communicationcomprises a selection of papers from the fourth edition of the International Conference CIC, Craiova, a conference initiated in by Prof. Emilia Parpal, the main coordinator of the event ever since. The acronym CIC stands for several notions which have concerned us over the years: for the first two editions, andit was Communication, identity, context.

For the next edition,culture has replaced context and we started exploring the overlap of these key notions, together with postmodernism, which has been studied within two workshops in andalso under the aegis of the conference.

Each edition has resulted in the publication of Proceedings, with Universitaria Publishing House, Craiova. More recently, the comparative account has entered the scene, and in this volume it constitutes the preferential method of approach with numerous authors.

Over the years the conference has been attended by many Romanian and foreign scholars and graduate students working and studying in the fields of literary studies, linguistics, communication and public relations, and even in domains like sociology, pedagogy and psychology.

While laying emphasis on the unavoidable interdisciplinarity of recent times, we have nevertheless endeavoured to avoid comment soigner la prostate chez le chien and to preserve a coherent line for the scientific research focusing on comment soigner la prostate chez le chien and communication in a contemporary perspective.

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As stated in the call for papers for the latest edition, modern comparative studies can provide new insights into the complex problematic of intercultural relations and identity issues, but also for the area of communication studies. While focusing on general and comparative literature, we did not wish, however, to limit the interest of the conference to this discipline.

Comparison is here understood as an all-encompassing scientific method, which might cover linguistics, anthropology, cultural studies etc. Our premise has been that the interdisciplinary perspective and the generous thematic spectrum will allow the rethinking of the issues mentioned above. World literature and comparative literature are well-represented in the collection of papers, and even the studies which have as an object Romanian authors include in the most natural way the comparative approach, through free analogies or the tracing of foreign influences and filiations.

As a palimpsestic literature since it very inception, always involving the mimetic or polemic reference to prestigious Western models, Romanian literature is the epitome of the 10 literature in the second degree discussed by Grard Genette And, of course, so are the Serbian, Hungarian or Albanian literatures, or the Brazilian and Arabian one, among the illustrations chosen by the authors present in this volume.

But even the English, American, French, Italian, Latin comment soigner la prostate chez le chien Prostatamittel test 2020 examples preferred by other contributors are no less palimpsestic or intertextual than the samples from the so-called small or lesser-known literatures.

Modern and contemporary literature worldwide enjoy deserved attention but classical authors, in their turn for instance Ovid or Goetheare not at all despised, thus creating an interesting balance for the make-up of the book and suggesting that the canon of world literature just like the canons of various national literatures should be perceived as a dynamic reality.

The intertextual approach is given due credit, as a legitimate methodological solution for the eternal crisis of comparative literature. The close interconnection between comparativism and literary theory poetics, theory of genres, stylistics and so on is also emphasized in those papers dedicated to literary criticism.

An important component of comparative comment soigner la prostate chez le chien and practice, here illustrated by one of the papers, is that involving the parallel between text and image, thus investigating the connection of two different codes in their mutual mirroring.

The latter can benefit in the future, in terms of rigor and clarity, from the technical and systematic template employed by language scholars. By the same token, comparison of cultural data as practiced by anthropologists is equally relevant to philologists, as the study of mentalities, values, belief systems, customs, tradition and rites is vital to any worthwhile comparison which puts together items from different cultures, literary movements, and sometimes from different ages.

Highlighting similarities and searching for invariants between the terms of comparison continues to be an important task for comparatists, but pointing out differences and idiosyncrasies or the irreducible elements of originality is no less poignant. This raises the issue of comment soigner la prostate chez le chien, a genuine comment soigner la prostate chez le chien in contemporary civilization, irrespective of the level on which one approaches it: personal or collective social, ethnic and national identity.

Modern individualism might have its discontents but it appears that the constant investigation of inner depths has not remained a solely narcissistic concern of some writers, but it has opened a field of interest in the subjectivity of the Other or the unique profile of a different but never entirely and radically different personality, literature, culture or nation. The concern for identity and selfhood can hardly be separated from the widespread fascination with otherness in its various guises.

The current interest in the literature of exiled authors projects the issue in new and appealing ways, considering that identity emerges more and more as fluid and already hybridized, which nevertheless does not make the issue of alienation and acculturation any less dramatic and problematic.

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Postcolonial criticism but also the archetypal and symbolic approach are appropriate frames for the analysis of identity within this section, which is also fortunately rich in literary illustrations. Identity and otherness in their complex interrelationship will consequently bring into attention the third important thematic proposal of the conference, communication.

A pervasive notion in contemporary reflection, this topic is also often promoted as a magical solution to the many spiritual ailments affecting both individuals and communities.

Comment soigner la prostate chez le chien any utopian speculations, the amazing development of communication studies has brought important clarifications in the field, and the acquisitions of this fairly new domain can further shed new light, as proven by the papers in this section, on enduring questions as comment soigner la prostate chez le chien interpersonal relations, both in terms of verbal interactions and of the literary configurations addressing the communicational problematic in an explicit or implicit manner.

Other contributors have responded to the communicational challenge by focusing on terminology and the study of specialized languages, on the didactics of foreign languages and the mutations brought by the new media, but also on subjects pertaining rather to sociology and political discourse and political reform. Although each section enjoys a definite autonomy and self-sufficiency, the most rewarding thing, in arranging this volume, was to see how the main topics proposed by the conference circulate from one chapter to another, linking them in the most interesting way, due, to a large extent, to the authors very efforts to connect the themes, as well as to their interpretive sagacity in identifying and explicating the interplay between identity and communication in a comparative framework.

At the same time, we will show that Orestes is released from the burden of killing his mother by confession and atonement. Goethes version of Iphigenia in Tauris is a reworking of the ancient legend of the Atridae in Euripides homonymous tragedy. While writing Iphigenia, the German playwright was driven by bourgeois, moral and sentimental ideas, but also by enlightened hopes of a renewal of politics and society through a new human model.

Goethe transcribed Euripides tragedy in a modern humanistic age and interwove personal experiences in his version. For him, the focus of the play lies on Orestes healing after being haunted and tormented by the memory of matricide.

Goethe uses Orestes example to promote redemption through inner purification and public confession of guilt. Keywords: Iphigenia, Orestes, Goethe, neo-humanism, classicism. Motivul Ifigeniei n literatura universal Potrivit Enciclopediei Universale Britannica, n mitologia greac, Ifigenia n limba greac, Ifigeneia nseamn cea nscut puternic este fiica cea comment soigner la prostate chez le chien a lui Agamemnon i a Clitemnestrei, sor a Electrei i a lui Oreste.

Cnd flota aheilor s-a oprit n Aulida, tatl ei comment soigner la prostate chez le chien sacrificat-o n cinstea zeiei Artemis, pentru ca vnturile s duc navele spre Troia. Mama ei i-a rzbunat moartea, ucigndu-l pe Agamemnon. Enciclopedia Universal Britannica: Legenda esut n jurul Ifigeniei este ns mai complex.

Se presupune c tnra ar fi fost salvat de Artemis pentru a-i sluji ca preoteas n Taurida, o regiune stpnit de barbari. Ifigenia a fost i a rmas, la fel ca muli dintre Atrizi, un motiv ndrgit n literatura universal. Figura Ifigeniei apare n scrierile antice i la Homer, Eschil i Sofocle, dar una dintre cele mai importante adaptri ale mitului Atrizilor se gsete n tragediile lui Euripide Receptarea mitului Atrizilor la Goethe 2.

Modelele literare antice ale lui Goethe Tudor Vianu vede proslvirea senintii antice n operele neoumanitilor germani ca o compensaie oferit nelinitilor prezentului, din aceast stare de spirit rezultnd, printre scrierile lui Goethe, Ifigenia n Taurida, Elegiile romane, Hermann i Dorothea Vianu, Pentru Vianu, Ifigenia este expresia aspiraiei lui [Goethe] ctre linite i senintate Enciclopedia Universal Britannica: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe realizeaz o oper unic n literatura german, n care mbin liricul, epicul i dramaticul.

Goethe a strbtut n evoluia sa artistic mai multe curente literare, de la iluminism, la Sturm und Drang pn la clasicismul german, proclamnd un ideal literar umanist, prin ilustrarea unui nou tip de om, caracterizat prin armonie, moralitate, noblee i elegan.

Scriitorul german a scris iniial o versiune n proz npe care a transpus-o n versuri nn timpul cltoriei sale n Italia. Ifigenia n Taurida aparine unei epoci de tranziie de la nzuinele libertare, promovate de curentul Sturm und Drang, la idealurile estetice ale neoumanismului clasic. La Euripide, tragedia greac progreseaz n adevr psihologic, n varietatea de sentimente i de idei, n suplee i micare, n asemnarea cu viaa real i n sporirea efectului patetic.

Euripide era considerat un rzvrtit, un pesimist, care afirma c toi oamenii sunt egali de la natur. A fost criticat n vremea sa pentru c trata problemele noi ale vremii. Euripide a revoluionat tragedia, i-a dat o structur mai complex, urmrind obinerea unui efect patetic.

Aristotel critic compoziia sa defectuoas, ns l numete cel mai tragic dintre tragici Drimba Prin naturalee i simplitate, printr-un subtil realism psihologic, prin limbajul cotidian, Euripide poate fi consi- derat cel mai modern dintre tragicii antici, din care s-au inspirat muli dramaturgi moderni Drimba Aceasta o trimite n Taurida, n Crimeea de azi, unde devine preoteas.

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Cnd se rentlnete cu fratele ei, care ajunsese n pragul nebuniei, fiind urmrit de Furii dup matricid, l salveaz de la moartea prin sacrificiu pe care le-o pregtise lui i prietenului su, Pylade regele taurienilor, Thoas. Tragedia lui Euripide este o pies bazat pe intrig, care prezint superi- oritatea comment soigner la prostate chez le chien n faa barbarilor i rezolvarea acesteia, readucerea n patrie a Ifigeniei din Taurida de ctre Oreste, se face prin intervenia unei dea ex machina, Atena.

La scriitorul grec, Ifigenia se salveaz pe sine, pe fratele ei, Oreste, i pe vrul lor, Pylade, printr-o viclenie. Thoas, regele Tauridei, dorete s i ucid pe cei care l-au nelat, ns apariia lui Pallas Atena pare s domoleasc mnia lui Thoas. Ifigenia ca ideal al neoumanismului german Potrivit lui Ovidiu Drimba, la urinari frecvente cu usturimi de ani, Goethe se stabilete la curtea ducelui de Weimar i ajunge ministru la diferite departamente ale micului ducat.

Pentru a evada din convenionalismul vieii de la curte, Goethe pornete ntr-o cltorie de doi ani n Italia care i va schimba viaa i cursul creaiei literare. Impresiile de cltorie sunt adunate n scrierea autobiografic Cltorie n Italia. Amintirile civili- zaiilor antice i servesc ca surse de inspiraie pentru Elegiile romane i creaiile dramatice Ifigenia n Taurida i Torquato Tasso Drimba Drimba consider c scriitorul german ntruchipeaz tendinele pozitive ale burgheziei germane, pe care o ndeamn s acioneze, s fie mai practic.

Aceast aciune trebuie ndreptat mpotriva tiraniei absolutiste, dar Goethe prefer s ncerce transformarea moral a individului n locul unei revoluii sngeroase i radicale a societii.

De la cutarea originalitii ostentative, caracteristic tinerilor reprezentani ai Sturm und Drang, Goethe ajunge la concluzia c trebuie s ne cultivm calitile, nu particularitile, iar un om poate fi complet dac se ncadreaz n graniele capacitilor i aptitudinilor sale.

El a tins mereu spre un 16 ideal de perfeciune uman, de desvrire i depire a propriei condiii prin studiul artei i naturii. Peste tot n opera lui Goethe apare ideea autoperfecionrii intelectuale i morale Drimba Cei doi ani petrecui oboseala si prostatita Italia au fost dedicai comment soigner la prostate chez le chien artei antice i cercetrilor asupra civilizaiei renascentiste, de unde a preluat i idealul literar umanist, promovat n majoritatea scrierilor sale clasicizante.

Neoumanismul este termenul folosit pentru prima dat de istoricul german Friedrich Paulsen n anul pentru a desemna relansarea micrii umaniste, caracteristice Antichitii i Renaterii, n literatura german n a doua jumtate a secolului al XVIII-lea i prima jumtate a secolului al XIX-lea.

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Cele mai impor- tante idealuri ale neoumanitilor germani erau promovarea educaiei pur umane i armonia spiritual i fizic a omului. Joachim Detjen consider c neoumanismul a reprezentat baza teoriei educaiei clasicismului german Detjen Scrierea care a declanat acest nou umanism este Gedanken ber die Nachahmung der griechischen Werke in der Malerei und Bildhauerkunst Reflecii asupra imitrii operelor de art greceti, a lui Johann Joachim Winckelmann.

Pornind de la opera comment soigner la prostate chez le chien fundamental, Geschichte der Kunst des Altertums Istoria artei antice,s-a dezvoltat noua tiin despre Antichitate, care vedea n Grecia antic originea culturii europene. Winckelmann este adeptul simplitii nobile i mreiei calme, promovnd imaginea omului desvrit n sine prin putere, frumusee i pasiune stpnit, realizat prin cultur.

Gabriela Wolf delimiteaz conceptul de neoumanism, prin care se nelege micarea educativ a epocii respective, de clasicismul german, ca micare literar Wolf 99care a fost iniiat la Weimar de Goethe i Schiller i care preia trsturi neoumaniste, precum idealul sufletului frumos, aspiraia spre armonia individual i social i umanitate.

La Goethe, Ifigenia mbin iubirea cu omenia i nobleea sufleteasc, devenind astfel un ideal de umanitate pentru scriitorul german. Prin buntatea sa, ea reuete s potoleasc asprimea barbarilor printre care triete i chiar s aboleasc sacrificiile umane n templul din Taurida. Dei regele Thoas ajunge s o iubeasc i dorete s o ia de soie pe Ifigenia, tnra l refuz, amintindu-i c i-a dedicat viaa slujirii zeiei Artemis, ceea ce reaprinde mnia n sufletul regelui barbar, care poruncete uciderea celor doi strini fugari, prini n apropierea templului, care se dovedesc a fi tinerii greci Oreste i Pylade.

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Comment soigner la prostate chez le chien o perioad confuz, Ifigenia descoper c unul dintre strini este chiar fratele ei crezut mort, Oreste. Acesta se teme c blestemul Atrizilor va duce la omorrea lui de ctre propria sor, dup ce i mrturisete acesteia c el este 17 ucigaul mamei lor. Prin aceast confesiune, Oreste i recunoate vina, cindu-se pentru fapta sa i astfel povara care i apsa sufletul dispare, iar el se simte eliberat.

Prins ntre datoria fa de Thoas i dragostea pentru fratele regsit, Ifigenia alege totui s i urmeze principiile umaniste i s i mpiedice pe Oreste i Pylade s fug, chiar dac aceasta i-ar putea aduce i ei moartea. Tnra prefer s spun adevrul i este dispus s suporte consecinele ndrznelii sale. La Goethe, umanitatea Ifigeniei contribuie la rezolvarea conflictului pe cale panic, iar intervenia zeilor trece n plan secundar.

Bengt Algot Srensen consider c, la Goethe, Ifigenia a devenit preoteasa umanitii, iar, spre deosebire de sursele antice ale piesei, la scriitorul german, evenimentele exterioare i efectele de suspans sunt neglijate sau dispar n totalitate n favoarea tririlor luntrice, sufleteti i umane Srensen Vianu observ c, odat cu trecerea ctre etapa neoumanist, pentru Goethe, conflictele umane nu mai sunt conflicte sociale, ca n etapa anterioar, a Sturm und Drang-ului, i soluia lor nu mai este adus de luptele eroilor i ale popoarelor, ci de nnobilarea sufletului individual.

Vianu remarc faptul c acesta devine programul ntregii epoci n care, prin retragerea slabei burghezii germane de pe scena luptelor pentru libertate, principiul educaiei morale i estetice a individului va marca, pentru mai multe decenii, ansamblul culturii germane Vianu Potrivit lui Tudor Vianu, operele perfecte ale grecilor devin exemplare i apropierea de tipul lor produce i n Ifigenia n Taurida a lui Goethe o dram n stil clasic, prin nobleea diciei, prin zugrvirea caracterelor, care apar ca nite figuri de prim-plan n reliefuri greceti, admirate de Goethe la Roma: n Ifigenia, accentul este pus pe particularitile stilului i compoziiei neoclasice, cu un lexic nobil, un numr mic de personaje scldate n lumin egal, cu simplitatea i unitatea conflictului.

Vianu Prostate gland surgery time lui Goethe se bazeaz pe vechea legend a lui Oreste, care rzbun crima comis de propria lui mam asupra tatlui su, ns, bntuit de Furii, fuge nelinitit prin ar.

De la Oracolul din Delfi, primete sfatul s ia imaginea surorii din ara sciilor pentru a se elibera de blestemul su. Elisabeth Frenzel observ c Comment soigner la prostate chez le chien este cel care a introdus ambiguitatea, nelsnd s se neleag clar dac Oracolul s-a referit la sora lui Apollo, Artemis, sau la sora lui Oreste, Ifigenia.

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